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a portfolio of digital cartography

Static & Printable Maps

Maps in this section are printable with format information listed at the bottom of each card.

Width (in) x Height (in) (File Format)

Kentucky Plant Hardiness Zones with Streams

Data from the 2023 update to the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map (PHZM) was used in conjunction with stream location data from the USGS National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD) and USGS 1/3rd ARC second Digital Elevation Models (DEM) to generate a 70° orthographic 3-D rendering of the Plant Hardiness Zones in Kentucky with cultural (county lines) and physical (streams, ridges) markers in the Aerialod renderer.

16.66" x 6.66" (PDF)

Appalachian Trail in Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina

Data from the Appalachian Trail Conservancy was used to overlay a trail marker over the classic, hand drawn map by Erwin Raisz, which was georeferenced in QGIS (2.14.19-Essen) using the GDAL Georeferencer.

11.69" x 8.26" (PDF)

Brewery Density of North America

Using brewery location data from The POI Factory accessed February 6, 2017 and generating 50km hexgrids in QGIS, this map shows the density of breweries across all of North America.

20" x 15" (PDF)

Major waterways of Kentucky

Data from the National Atlas of the United States, March 2016, 2nd. edition was used to map water bodies, urbanized areas, and streams classified by Strahler ranking.

30" x 15" (PDF)

Interactive Maps

Maps in this section are web-based and interactive through all common internet browers. The users computer executes the code. The format section lists the forms of coding and platforms used.

(Code bases, platform names)

Commercial Cut Flower Growers of Kentucky

This interactive map is a directory of Commercial Cut Flower Growers across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It is mobile-friendly, and responsive to common gestures. Tapping or clicking on a cut flower grower informs the user what market channels the grower sells through and connects the user to any contact / social media information provided by the grower.

(HTML, CSS, JS, Leaflet)

Fruit and Nut Cultivar Nursery Source Directory

This interactive map shows the locations, contact details and available fruit and nut varieties of nurseries across the United States which sell cultivars recommended for commercial production in Kentucky.

(JS, CSS, HTML, and Leaflet)

School Enrollment in Kenya over Time

This interactive and color-coded, temporal map shows School Enrollment by County and Gender over Time. across the country of Kenya.

(JS, CSS and HTML)

Diabetes Mortality Rate over Time

This interactive and color-coded, temporal map shows the Mortality Rate per 100k people by Sex over Time in several large urban areas.

(JS, CSS and HTML)

Geographic Horticultural Directory of Kentucky

This interactive map shows Horticultural Resources across the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

(JS, CSS, HTML, Leaflet)

Greenhouse Gas Emitters in the United States

This interactive and color-coded by industry shows greenhouse gas emissions across the United States. Moving the tooltip over the self-reporting facilities, users can see more specific information.

(JS, CSS, d3, and HTML)

About me

My name is Joshua Knight. I have been a Senior Extension Associate for the Center for Crop Diversification at the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment since 2018. I develop programming, educational resources, and decision support tools as part of the Cooperative Extension Service mission to improve the lives of the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.


QGIS for data analysis, processing, visualization and format conversion
SQL for data querying
Web Mapping
Leaflet for raster tilesets, basic thematic mapping, and telling stories with maps
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Aerilod for 3D rendering
Photoshop for final touches